2. Full Example

This example is the file test/album/myalbum.xml. See the result in test/album/myalbum.html

1: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 2: <!DOCTYPE album SYSTEM "nl/justobjects/xbook/rsc/dtd/album.dtd" > 3: 4: <album> 5: 6: <cover> 7: <title>Image Album test</title> 8: <author>Just van den Broecke</author> 9: <date>November-1-2002</date> 10: 11: <description> 12: This is a description of what is in the album. 13: </description> 14: </cover> 15: 16: <images> 17: <image title="Image1" file="assets/image1.jpg" /> 18: <image title="Image2" file="assets/image2.jpg" /> 19: <image title="Image3" file="assets/image3.jpg" /> 20: <image title="Image4" file="assets/image4.jpg" /> 21: <image title="Image5" file="assets/image5.jpg" /> 22: </images> 23: </album>