XBook - Authoring Menus (xmenu.dtd)

Author: Just van den Broecke
Organization: Just Objects B.V.
Email: just@justobjects.nl

FileID: $Id: authoring-menu.xml,v 1.3 2003/01/06 10:28:08 just Exp $
Date: July 8, 2002

This document describes how to author the structure of a website using xmenu.dtd. This DTD is used internally within XBook, but you may want to use it directly for just site generation.

1. Overview


See an examples the test/menu directory.

Power users may immediately go to the DTD definition.

2. Full Example

This example is the file test/menu/menu.xml.

1: <?xml version="1.0"?> 2: 3: <!DOCTYPE xmenu SYSTEM "nl/justobjects/xmenu/rsc/xml/xmenu.dtd"> 4: 5: 6: <xmenu title="KeyWorx" default="mymain.html" outlineColor="white" fgColor="white" bgColor="#001E32" > 7: 8: <doc label="home" url="/" desc="Home page" target="_top"/> 9: <doc label="who-is-there ?" url="/explorer.jsp?cmd=spaces" desc="View all agents in all spaces"/> 10: 11: <folder label="server" desc="Server management"> 12: <doc label="applog" url="servermon.jsp?cmd=log&amp;sub=applog" desc="KeyStroke Application Log"/> 13: <doc label="applog-last32" url="servermon.jsp?cmd=log&amp;sub=applog-lastN" desc="Last N entries of KeyStroke Application Log"/> 14: <doc label="httplog" url="servermon.jsp?cmd=log&amp;sub=weblog" desc="Web Server (HTTP) Log"/> 15: <doc label="threads" url="thread.jsp" desc="Active threads"/> 16: <doc label="ps" url="ps.jsp" desc="Process Status"/> 17: <doc label="restart-server" url="restart.jsp" desc="Restart"/> 18: <doc label="standard-err" url="nohup.txt" desc="Stdout and stderr"/> 19: <doc label="old-logs" url="log" desc="Old logfiles"/> 20: </folder> 21: 22: <folder label="spaces" desc="Spaces"> 23: 24: <doc label="who-is-there ?" url="/explorer.jsp?cmd=spaces" desc="View all agents in all spaces"/> 25: <folder label="KsTest" desc="test session"> 26: <doc label="agents" url="/explorer.jsp?space=KsTest&amp;cmd=agents" desc="View the agents"/> 27: <doc label="patch" url="/explorer.jsp?space=KsTest&amp;cmd=patch" desc="View the Patch"/> 28: <doc label="commandlog" url="/explorer.jsp?space=KsTest&amp;cmd=log" desc="Command log"/> 29: <doc label="rtpchannel" url="/explorer.jsp?space=KsTest&amp;cmd=channel" desc="RTP Channel Performance"/> 30: </folder> 31: 32: <folder label="Space1" desc="test session"> 33: <doc label="agents" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space1&amp;cmd=agents" desc="View the agents"/> 34: <doc label="patch" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space1&amp;cmd=patch" desc="View the Patch"/> 35: <doc label="commandlog" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space1&amp;cmd=log" desc="Command log"/> 36: <doc label="rtpchannel" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space1&amp;cmd=channel" desc="RTP Channel Performance"/> 37: </folder> 38: 39: <folder label="Space2" desc="test session"> 40: <doc label="agents" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space2&amp;cmd=agents" desc="View the agents"/> 41: <doc label="patch" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space2&amp;cmd=patch" desc="View the Patch"/> 42: <doc label="commandlog" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space2&amp;cmd=log" desc="Command log"/> 43: <doc label="rtpchannel" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space2&amp;cmd=channel" desc="RTP Channel Performance"/> 44: </folder> 45: 46: <folder label="Space3" desc="test session"> 47: <doc label="agents" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space3&amp;cmd=agents" desc="View the agents"/> 48: <doc label="patch" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space3&amp;cmd=patch" desc="View the Patch"/> 49: <doc label="commandlog" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space3&amp;cmd=log" desc="Command log"/> 50: <doc label="rtpchannel" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space3&amp;cmd=channel" desc="RTP Channel Performance"/> 51: </folder> 52: 53: <folder label="Space4" desc="test session"> 54: <doc label="agents" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space4&amp;cmd=agents" desc="View the agents"/> 55: <doc label="patch" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space4&amp;cmd=patch" desc="View the Patch"/> 56: <doc label="commandlog" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space4&amp;cmd=log" desc="Command log"/> 57: <doc label="rtpchannel" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space4&amp;cmd=channel" desc="RTP Channel Performance"/> 58: </folder> 59: 60: <folder label="Space5" desc="test session"> 61: <doc label="agents" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space5&amp;cmd=agents" desc="View the agents"/> 62: <doc label="patch" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space5&amp;cmd=patch" desc="View the Patch"/> 63: <doc label="commandlog" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space5&amp;cmd=log" desc="Command log"/> 64: <doc label="rtpchannel" url="/explorer.jsp?space=Space5&amp;cmd=channel" desc="RTP Channel Performance"/> 65: </folder> 66: 67: <folder label="ChatSpace" desc="chat session"> 68: <doc label="agents" url="/explorer.jsp?space=ChatSpace&amp;cmd=agents" desc="View the agents"/> 69: <doc label="commandlog" url="/explorer.jsp?space=ChatSpace&amp;cmd=log" desc="Command log"/> 70: <doc label="join" url="/chat.html" desc="The chat window"/> 71: </folder> 72: 73: <folder label="AVSpace" desc="audio/video session"> 74: <doc label="agents" url="/explorer.jsp?space=AVSpace&amp;cmd=agents" desc="View the agents"/> 75: <doc label="commandlog" url="/explorer.jsp?space=AVSpace&amp;cmd=log" desc="Command log"/> 76: <doc label="rtpchannel-control" url="/explorer.jsp?space=AVSpace&amp;cmd=channel" desc="RTP Channel Performance"/> 77: <doc label="rtpchannel-data" url="/explorer.jsp?space=AVSpace&amp;cmd=channel" desc="RTP Channel Performance"/> 78: </folder> 79: </folder> 80: 81: <folder label="doc" desc="Documents"> 82: <doc label="AMUSE-overview" url="doc/amuse-overview.html" desc="AMUSE Overview" /> 83: <doc label="AMUSE-protocol" url="doc/amuse-protocol.html" desc="AMUSE Protocol"/> 84: <doc label="AMUSE-multiuser" url="doc/amuse-multiuser.html" desc="AMUSE Multi User Issues"/> 85: <doc label="AMUSE-TODO" url="doc/todo.txt" desc="TODO list"/> 86: <folder label="scenarios" desc="examples"> 87: <doc label="example-oneplayer" url="doc/ksrun3-result.txt" desc="Example1"/> 88: <doc label="example-twoplayer" url="doc/ksrun4-result.txt" desc="Example2"/> 89: </folder> 90: </folder> 91: <doc label="help" url="xmenuhelp.html" desc="Help using this menu"/> 92: 93: <!-- <folder label="patch" desc="Patch commands"> 94: <doc label="view" url="sessionmon.jsp?session=KsTest&amp;cmd=patch&amp;sub=view" desc="View current patch"/> 95: <doc label="new" url="sessionmon.jsp?session=KsTest&amp;cmd=patch&amp;sub=new" desc="New current patch"/> 96: <doc label="save" url="sessionmon.jsp?session=KsTest&amp;cmd=patch&amp;sub=save" desc="Save current patch"/> 97: <doc label="load" url="sessionmon.jsp?session=KsTest&amp;cmd=patch&amp;sub=load" desc="Load new patches"/>; 98: <doc label="list" url="/session/KsTest/patch" desc="List available patches"/>; 99: </folder> 100: <doc label="library" url="/session/KsTest/library" desc="View library files"/> 101: <doc label="commandlog" url="sessionmon.jsp?session=KsTest&amp;cmd=log" desc="Session Command Log"/> --> 102: </xmenu>

3. DTD Definition

Below is the actual DTD file.

1: <?xml encoding='US-ASCII'?> 2: 3: <!-- 4: XMenu DTD - specifies formal structure of xmenu XML files. 5: 6: CVS $Id: xmenu.dtd,v 1.3 2003/01/06 10:27:22 just Exp $ 7: --> 8: 9: 10: <!ENTITY % content "folder|doc"> 11: 12: <!-- Toplevel menu 13: The titleImage is optional. If present it may be placed at the top of the lite menu. 14: --> 15: <!ELEMENT xmenu (%content;)*> 16: <!ATTLIST xmenu 17: titleImage CDATA #IMPLIED 18: title CDATA #REQUIRED 19: default CDATA #REQUIRED 20: outlineColor CDATA 'white' 21: fgColor CDATA 'white' 22: bgColor CDATA '#222222' 23: > 24: 25: <!-- Collapsable folder --> 26: <!ELEMENT folder (%content;)+> 27: <!ATTLIST folder 28: label CDATA #REQUIRED 29: desc CDATA #REQUIRED 30: > 31: 32: <!-- Leaf document --> 33: <!ELEMENT doc EMPTY> 34: <!ATTLIST doc 35: label CDATA #REQUIRED 36: url CDATA #REQUIRED 37: desc CDATA #REQUIRED 38: target CDATA 'text' 39: > 40: 41: 42: <!-- 43: History 44: $Log: xmenu.dtd,v $ 45: Revision 1.3 2003/01/06 10:27:22 just 46: removed Arial fonts from default styles 47: 48: Revision 1.2 2002/07/09 23:17:32 just 49: allow images to be used in top of menu frame 50: 51: Revision 1.1 2002/04/28 11:56:26 just 52: xmenu integration in xbook 53: 54: Revision 1.6 2002/01/03 15:31:37 just 55: changes required for upgrade to Xalan 2.2D14 56: 57: Revision 1.5 2001/12/21 14:46:51 just 58: chg: CommandLine usage outline icon attr and xmenuctrl.html now plain HTML 59: 60: Revision 1.4 2000/12/17 23:14:02 just 61: made more clever/compact XSL templates (using vars) 62: 63: Revision 1.3 2000/12/17 17:01:59 just 64: bug fixes 65: 66: Revision 1.2 2000/12/11 23:53:46 just 67: added fgcolor/bgcolor attrs to menu 68: 69: Revision 1.1 2000/12/09 16:37:51 just 70: new 71: 72: 73: --> 74:


World Wide Web Consortium. http://www.w3c.org
World Wide Web Consortium. Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0. W3C Recommendation; http://www.w3.org/TR/1998/REC-xml-19980210