3. Generating Documents (xdoc.bat|sh)

3.1. Purpose

This script is used to generate HTML from an XML document written according to one of the standard document DTDs like doc.dtd, page.dtd or album.dtd. Or a user-provided DTD when extensibility is used. This command takes the DTD name of the document and maps it to a corresponding XSLT sheet according to the convention <DTDname>2html.xsl. For example the DTD name "album" maps to album2html.xsl. The XSLT file name is searched through the CLASSPATH, first prefixed with nl/justobjects/xbook/rsc/xsl/. If not found through the name itself.

3.2. Usage

   xdoc.bat|sh <source XML file> [destination HTML file];

3.3. Example

See the test/doc|album|page|extend example directories.